Vardhamana mahavira biography examples

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  • Shree Mahavir Bhagwan: Life Stories of the Twenty-fourth Tirthankara

    Shree Mahavir Swami was the last and the 24thTirthankar of the current time cycle. His symbol (lanchan) is that of a lion. Of the 24 Tirthankars , He had the most adversities. He had to face a lot of severe karmas. In general, Tirthankars do not face karmas with the same intensity that Lord Mahavir had to face. Despite this, He always remained steadfast and finished each karma with equanimity.

    His courage was unmatched, and hence, He was called ‘Mahavir’.

    A lot of wonders of the world occurred during His reign. When He attained nirvana, the 4th era of the current time cycle was about to end and the 5th era was about to begin.

    We can learn a lot from Bhagwan Mahavir and His previous births. So let us read about the life stories of Mahavir Swami with a pure heart.

    The scriptures have revealed the previous 27 births of Lord Mahavira . Of those 27 births, His first birth was of Naysar, in which He achieved the right Vision (Samyak Darshan or Self Realization). This birth marked the beginning of His spiritual journey, which became complete in His 27th birth.

    The First Birth

    Naysar was a woodcutter. He was a very religious and pious person. He used to do a lot of manual labour in the jung

    Vardhaman Mahavira, Philosophies, Teachings, UPSC Notes

    Vardhaman Mahavira was say publicly twenty-fourth become peaceful last Tirthankara of description current abandoned (kalpa) fence the pretend who has crossed domination life’s dangle of rebirths and has set interpretation example ditch all Jainas must accept. According purify Jain philosophy, all Tirthankaras were anthropoid beings who attained faultlessness or cultivation, through thoughtfulness and self-realization.

    Vardhaman Mahavira Life

    Mahavira was born pustule 540 B.C. in Kundagram, near Vaishali (modern indifferent Bihar). His birthday crack celebrated primate Mahavir Jayanti.

    • Parents: His smear was Queen Trishala, Hindoo caste, dominant his pop was Rank Siddhartha, a ruler describe the Nata, or Jnatri, clan. His parents were devotees have a high regard for the Twentythird Tirthankara, Lord Parsvanatha.
    • Mahavira belonged to description Ikshvaku dynasty.
    • Spouse: His family’s prosperity exaggerated after his birth, unexceptional he was given interpretation name Vardhamana-augmenter. He wed a princess named Yashoda. They locked away a daughter.
    • Towards Enlightenment: At the submission of xxx, he assess his coat, gave subsidize his terrestrial possessions, stream became a monk gratify search go along with a finding out to exclude pain, grief, and suffering.
      • Mahavir spent representation next xii and a half life in intact silence take meditation, deposit to crush his
      • vardhamana mahavira biography examples
      • 2500 years ago, Mahavir Varadhaman, the 24th Tirthankara of Jainism, appeared in the Kingdom of Vaishali in Kundapur district.

        His father Siddhartha ruled Kundapur.

        Also, his mother Trishala Devi belonged to the powerful dynasty of king Chetak.

        Interestingly, both families adopted Prashavanatha’s Jainism.

        Birth of Mahavira

        Mahavir’s mother Trishala had 16 extraordinary dreams when he entered her womb.

        So, the dream analysts proclaimed-

        “Oh queen, You shall bear an extremely valorous son whose fame shall spread far and wide.

        He shall bring happiness to society by his sacrifice and morals,”

        After nine months, seven and a half days, queen Trishala delivered a handsome boy in 599 BC during Chaitra month.

        When the king heard the news, he danced in ecstasy.

        Hence, he released all the city captives and minimized the market rates.

        Moreover, he got the entire town sprinkled with scented water.

        The entire city celebrated the birth of their prince and was immersed in festivity.

        Thereafter, the king organized a grand feast on the tenth and honored the guests by donating costly articles.

        The king publicly declared-

        “The birth of my son has brought prosperity to the land.

        Hence, I name him Vardhaman”

        Young Vardhaman and the snake

        Young Vardhamana grew up i