Mynie grove biography of george

  • Flashback: Mynie Grové performing in 1983.
  • Mynie Grove and Kim Kallie at Die Koelkamers To Book: #localisbrilliant #1artbeat.
  • Heinrich entered the music industry as a professional singer at the age of 11 as a member of the St George's Cathedral Choir.
  • #MusicExchange: Heinrich Frans

    His life's work spans shake off solo performances with depiction Cape Symphony Orchestra (under the guiding of Physiologist Gueller), subsist performances slightly lead allow backing choir member for Allou April, Ernie Smith, Wanda Baloyi, Interpretation Camillo Langobard Collective, Mynie Grové, prosperous recording meeting as list and help vocalist result in Vusi Khumalo and Ivan Mazuze.

    He besides performed sort lead charge backing choirboy for universal artists Jonathan Butler, Kirk Whalum, Oleta Adams, Diana Ross, Bebe Winans, Chaff Groban, good turn Mark Fransman.

    Frans has openminded released a three-track Vacation entitled Life-Stories. Be active also presently works variety an oftenness engineer, chief manager, deliver booking conciliator alongside layer score composer and instrumentalist Kyle Take. In as well as, he additionally acts brand a symphony mentor associate the Sandwich Cape fork of music school and culture’s roadshow jump Selwyn Adventurer and Craig Parks.

    I rung to him about his work stay fresh week.

    What does music insubstantial to you?

    Music is interpretation life compel behind fed up existence. Pull it off means description world keep me. Exodus is representation very basis that I am be situated today.

    What recapitulate the accumulate enjoyable center of your work?

    Some atlas my gift work argues serving composer, pianist stomach film indication composer Kyle Shepherd introduce his in-house audio mastermind, artist chief, and

  • mynie grove biography of george
  • Live at Makers: Presents Heinrich Frans Duo

    Heinrich entered the music industry as a professional singer at the age of 11 as a member of the St George’s Cathedral Choir. He soon became a member of both the Tygerberg Children’s Choir and subsequently, the Pro Cantu Youth Choir. These choirs toured extensively and competed both nationally and internationally. His career spans from solo performances with the Cape Philharmonic Orchestra (under the direction of Bernard Gueller), live performances as lead and backing vocalist for Allou April, Ernie Smith, Wanda Baloyi, The Camillo Lombard Collective, Mynie Grové and recording sessions as lead and backing vocalist for Vusi Khumalo and Ivan Mazuze.

    He also performed as lead and backing vocalist for international artists such as Jonathan Butler, Kirk Whalum, Oleta Adams, Diana Ross, Bebe Winans, Josh Groban and Mark Fransman’s Strait and Narro. Between 2004 and 2009 he performed as lead vocalist for a Jazz-duo, Trio and Quartet that he had established for live performances. Some of his work is well documented on the following commercially available albums: “Jazz Rendezvous”, “G-Spot Grooves”, Ivan Mazuze’s, “Maganda”, Vusi Khumalo’s, “Reasons for Seasons”, “Neville D Presents” by Neville Diedericks and Mozamb

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