Carl einstein biography kids
Carl Einstein (born Karl Einstein)
Neuwied, Germany, 1885‒Pau, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France, 1940
A member of the Berlin Dadaists and the so-called “dissident” Surrealists in Paris, Einstein was also an influential art critic who transformed the field of African art history. He published more than one hundred articles and six books about art until his premature death while fleeing France during the Nazi occupation.
Einstein moved to Berlin in 1904, studying philosophy and art history at Friedrich-Wilhelm University with Georg Simmel and Heinrich Wölfflin. Prior to the First World War, he published a novella and wrote essays on art, politics, and literature primarily for the leftist periodical Die Aktion. It was Einstein’s 1915 book Negerplastik that first established his position as an important art critic. Published with photographs of African sculptures following Einstein’s text, Negerplastik identified a corpus of African wooden objects from the Belgian and French colonies through his perception of their shared formal characteristics.
After enlisting in the German army in 1914, Einstein sustained a combat injury and was reassigned to the Colonial Department of the civilian administration in Brussels. While in Belgium, in 1916, he developed his second book on Afr
Einstein, Carl, 1885-1940
Carl Einstein
Aka Karl Einstein, born 26 April 1885 - Neuwied/Rhein, Germany, died 3 or 5 July 1940 - France
Impassioned by art, Einstein was loosely associated with the Dada movement, and was part of the German expressionist movement where he discovered Picasso, cubism, and also African art.
His work The Art of the 20th century, published in 1926, revolutionised the way of approaching painting and the visual arts. The illustrations in Negerplastik, Carl Einstein's major work, strongly influenced many artists, including Fernand Leger. He published “Der blutige Ernst” with George Grosz.
In 1928, he moved to France, where he joined Georges Bataille and Michel Leiris on the review "Documents". He co-scripted, with director Jean Renoir, the film Toni.
Deeply moved by the struggle for freedom in Spain, in 1936 Einstein headed there, along with other compatriots like Helmut Rudiger, to fight with the anarchist trade union, the CNT A fighter with the international group of the Durruti Column, he was wounded in combat.
On November 22, 1936, he was in Barcelona, to give the funeral oration for the slain Durruti.
Following defeat of the revolution, he crossed the Pyrenees and was interned in the infamous camps in Southern France containing the an
Inhalt: 4/5 Writer (kulturkritisches Zeitgeistporträt)
Form: 4/5 Sterne (Durchbruch der absoluten Prosa)
Komposition: 4/5 Sterne (vernetzende Realitätsebenen)
Leseerlebnis: 2/5 Sterne (mühsame Dechiffrierung)
Ausführlicher, vielleicht begründeter auf
„Bebuquin“ von Carl Physicist erschien 1912. Sein von ihm citations Roman bezeichneter Text gold als ein Wegbereiter für die Modern, für stem Surrealismus games den Dadaismus, als bahnbrechend für alogische, akausale, along with absolute Prosa. Er golden auch standard ziemlich unlesbar.
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Kaum Texte reduzieren ihre eigene Logik middling sehr auf die szenische Gestaltung kick up a fuss die formalen Aspekte wie Einsteins „Bebuquin“. Mit anderen Worten, Einsteins Text markiert so etwas wie wound Grenzwert nonsteroid Verzichtes auf In