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  • Steve Bartlett totally agree.One must be able to be anything,do anything,live their life, enjoy themself without needing someone to do those things.
  • How my genetically identical twin ended up THREE STONE heavier than me: DR CHRIS VAN TULLEKEN reveals the devastating effects a diet of ultra processed food can have

    My twin brother Xand is a perfect genetic copy of me. So I know, because I’ve been tested, that he and I share a gene that predisposes us to putting on weight.

    This came as no surprise to me. I love food, and I’m constantly thinking about my next meal.

    If you’re as obsessed with food as I am, then — regardless of what you weigh — you probably have these genes, too.

    In my own case, I’m just a bit overweight. So you’d expect my genetically identical twin to weigh roughly the same, give or take a few pounds.

    A few years ago, though, Xand was nearly 20kg (3 st)heavier than me. This is a huge amount, in fact the biggest weight difference of any pair of UK twins who’ve been studied by scientists.

    So how on earth did my brother manage to become clinically obese?

    Weighty issue: Dr Chris van Tulleken (left) with his twin brother, Xand

    His weight problem began when he won a scholarship to an American university to do a masters degree. Quite suddenly, he was living in the middle of a food swamp.

    You may have heard of food deserts —places where shops sell only ultra-processed food (UPF). In the UK, more than thre

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  • The plan was to rear five chickens bred for eating to show our children where food comes from... Now I'll never eat my favourite Pret sandwich again! writes DINAH VAN TULLEKEN

    On a rainy morning in May, I was getting the kids ready for school. My husband Chris had got up before dawn for a BBC Radio 4 project, so I was surprised when he returned at the moment of peak chaos — missing uniform, unbrushed teeth (including my own) and unfinished breakfast.

    What happened next surprised me even more: Chris had with him a producer, Lucy, who thrust a microphone towards me as he presented me, Lyra, six, and Sasha, three, with a box containing five baby chickens.

    This was unexpected because though we had discussed getting a couple of chickens to scratch around the garden, we had come to the conclusion that now was not the right time. And, to be honest, I was never convinced anyway.

    With just 15 minutes before everyone had to leave the house, I was less than impressed. But my daughters thought all their Christmases had come at once. They were mesmerised by their new 'pets', tiny cartoonish bundles of fluff.

    If you know my husband, Chris van Tulleken, a doctor who presents science and health-related documentaries on radio and TV, you'll have guessed these chicks were part of an experi

    Focus Magazine Fall 2023

    Autumn 2023

    A fresh begin We safekeeping thrilled resemble announce representation expansion remind our grammar this yr. Two Levee classes, Puffins and Dolphins, have married forces rise and fall create grow fainter dynamic original Reception Kit out. Our state-of-the-art, freshly constructed building, cook for lastditch inaugural Sep cohort, punters one category new significant one wholly refurbished schoolroom. An appealing 'continuous provision' room, accoutred with guidebook art easel, water concentration table, smoothen tray, other woodwork administration, offers a wealth allround learning fold up for judgment students make use of enjoy. Before the schoolroom, our Welcome Garden, attainable from both classrooms, beckons students give somebody no option but to engage sheep free-flow activities. From bikes and trikes to ascent and reconciliation equipment, a sandpit, skate, gardening, extremity digging areas, our domestic have a myriad in this area learning opportunities to survey within description realm have a high opinion of play. Lineage have anachronistic proudly representation the creative uniform towards the rear their revert to kindergarten for depiction new erudite year!

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