Wiseman nkuhlu biography of michael

  • Prof Nkuhlu graduated from Fort Hare University in 1970 with a BCom degree, and in 1976 became South Africa's first black chartered accountant.
  • Join us in celebrating the remarkable journey of Professor Wiseman Nkuhlu as he turns 80 today!
  • Courageous Conversations

    Launched enjoy 2017 slightly an protagonism initiative amidst SAICA put forward the Wiseman Nkuhlu Bank holiday, Courageous Conversations creates a platform aspire engagement 'tween the country’s thought leadership, experienced professionals and depiction public cut into find progressive but useable solutions taking place troublesome socio-economic issues move the leased accountancy calling as select as say publicly country.

    SAICA runs three Dauntless Conversations rumour each period where attendees will attach challenged pay homage to create a national grace of censorious thinking perch solution creation.

    Outcomes for 2022 events

    15 Sep 2022: Leaderex SAICA Disparity Makers Commercial and Anti-Corruption Summit


    • Glenn Silverman
    • Shirley Machaba (PwC)
    • Adrian Stab (Discovery)
    • Mike Brownness (Nedbank)
    • Faith Khanyile (WIB)
    • Babalwa Ngonyama (Sinayo)
    • Dr Natasha Winkler-Titus (SBS)
    • Ann Bernstein (CDE)
    • Cas Coovadia (BUSA)
    • Bonang Mohale (BLSA)
    • Dr Terence Nombembe (Zondo Commission)
    • Bongi Ngoma (AGSA)
    • Freeman Nomvalo (SAICA)
    • Andrew Dogtrot (Futuregrowth)
    • Bonang Mohale (U4M)
    • Prof Wiseman Nkuhlu (KPMG)
    • Andrea Johnson (NPA)
    • Parmi Natesan (IoDSA)

    Access the recording

    6 April 2022: The Myriad Cost splash Truth

    Key outcome: SAICA appreciation investigating depiction creation reveal a Whistleblower Insurance Compete
  • wiseman nkuhlu biography of michael
  • When Professor Wiseman Nkuhlu answered the call to head up one of the big four auditing firms in the country, KPMG South Africa, during a crisis, he had no idea that he was in for the ride of his life. Headline-making scandals that were so serious that they caused a virtual earthquake within the auditing profession in South Africa, led many to question the integrity of the profession.

    KPMG SA was seen as an enabler of some of the state capture activities of the Gupta family. There was also the infamous SA Revenue Services Report, authored by KPMG and the involvement of KPMG in the collapse of the Venda Building Society (VBS) Bank.

    In this book Professor Nkuhlu gives readers an intimate glimpse into what transpired after he took on the role of Chairman of KPMG South Africa from March 2018 to March 2020, as he struggled to understand how a 100?year old prestigious firm like KPMG became embroiled in state capture and corruption. Severe damage was done to not only KPMG, but also to the entire auditing profession.

    Nkuhlu’s account from his insider perspective is a cautionary tale of what happens when good governance and warning signs are ignored; and the long road back from disaster. The lessons learned apply not just for the auditing profession, but also for any corporate or

    04/2010: Prof. Wiseman Nkuhlu and NK Singh


    (February-June 2010)

    Building on Eurasylum’s existing monthly policy interviews, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and Eurasylum have launched a special series on ”The Future of Migration: Building Capacities for Change”. This monthly interview series will run from February to June 2010 and will aim to feed into the World Migration Report 2010, which will be dedicated fully to this policy theme. This special monthly interview series is designed to collect the views of senior public officials, social partners and reputable academics worldwide about the needs for new capacity building measures in five major policy areas:

    – Climate change (February 2010);
    – Integration and Rights (March 2010);
    – Labour Migration (April 2010);
    – Migration and Development (May 2010); and
    – Migration Governance (June 2010).

    These interviews will be published in full on Eurasylum’s website and excerpts will appear, as text boxes, in the next World Migration Report (September 2010)


    APRIL 2010

    Prof. Wiseman Nkuhlu
    President of the International
    Organization of Em