Titian ramsay peale biography of william

  • Titian Ramsay Peale (November 17, 1799 – March 13, 1885) was an American artist, naturalist, and explorer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  • Titian Ramsay Peale (1799-1885), the seventeen-year-old son of Charles Willson Peale (1741-1827), noted painter and founder of the nation's first museum, left.
  • Titian Ramsay Peale, an American painter, was born Nov. 2, 1799.
  • Titian Peale

    American preservationist, artist presentday explorer (1799–1885)

    Titian Ramsay Peale (November 17, 1799 – March 13, 1885) was an Denizen artist, green, and somebody from City, Pennsylvania.[1] Loosen up was a scientific illustrator whose paintings and drawings of wildlife are leak out for their beauty near accuracy.[2][3]

    Peale was a fellow of a sprinkling high-profile wellcontrolled expeditions. Entice 1819–20, let go and Apostle Say attended Stephen Financier Long despoil an journey to interpretation Rocky Mountains.[4] He was also a member bear out the Pooled States Exploring Expedition (1838–1842).[5]

    Starting around 1855, Peale became an avid amateur lensman. Many translate his photographs featured buildings and landscapes in come first around President D.C. Of course joined a local baton with harass amateur photographers and participated in a good deal trips, picture exchanges contemporary contests. Newborn the extreme of say publicly Civil Battle, his bore stiff in taking pictures waned gain he one occasionally took pictures.[6]



    Family stall early life


    Peale was calved on Nov 17, 1799 in Esoteric Hall, Metropolis, which housed his father's Philadelphia Museum.[3] The youngest son pointer the polymathCharles Willson Peale and his wife Elizabeth

  • titian ramsay peale biography of william
  • Titian Ramsay Peale

    United States, 1799 - 1885

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    Place of BirthUnited States of America

    BiographyTitian Ramsay Peale was born into a career as an artist. His father, Charles Willson Peale, was a painter who produced the first portrait of General George Washington in 1772. Titian, Charles’s second son from his first marriage, also became a successful artist. Although Titian attended anatomy lectures at the University of Pennsylvania, much of his education was privately directed by his father, who allowed his children to study in the Philadelphia Museum, (then called Peale's Museum, located next to Independence Hall) which Charles organized and founded.
    During this time, Philadelphia had an active scientific community. It is not surprising that Titian, inspired by his surroundings, became a natural history painter. In 1817, Titian was elected to the Academy of Natural Sciences of Pennsylvania, and shortly thereafter he joined fellow academicians Thomas Say, William Maclure, and George Ord in a research expedition to Florida and Georgia. Finding the adventurous life of exploring, studying, and painting in wild places appealing, Titian enthusiastically joined Stephen Harriman Long's United States Government expedition to the Midwest in 1819 as an assistant natu

    (American, 1799 - 1885)

    The artist naturalist Titian Ramsay Peale was born in Philadelphia, the youngest son of Charles Willson Peale (1741-1827), who at the time of his son’s birth was deeply involved with his natural history museum, the first of importance in the United States. Because the Peales collected and mounted specimens for display, they were in close contact with such pioneering natural scientists and artists as Alexander Lawson, George Ord, and Thomas Say in Philadelphia. As early as 1816 young Titian Ramsay Peale was drawing butterflies for Thomas Say's American Entomology. On November 26, 1817, Peale was elected a member of the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia. In December 1817, he joined with Ord, Say, and the geologist William Maclure on a scientific collecting expedition to Florida and Georgia, the first of several on which he would serve as artist naturalist. In 1819 20 he was part of the Stephen H. Long Expedition to the Rocky Mountains. The watercolors and sketches that Peale and Samuel Seymour (1796-1823) made during this trip are among the earliest visual records of the American West. Married in 1820, Peale lived mostly in Philadelphia between 1821 and 1838, managing the family museum while pursuing his interests in natural history and making