The black count tom reiss

  • In "The Black Count", Tom Reiss has written a most comprehensive biography of the General and the events which shaped and affected his life.
  • The Black Count: Glory, Revolution, Betrayal, and the Real Count of Monte Cristo is a biography of General Thomas-Alexandre Dumas written by Tom Reiss.
  • The Black Count is simultaneously a riveting adventure story, a lushly textured evocation of 18th-century France, and a window into the modern.
  • My on top non-fiction study this four weeks, The Inky Count comment a story of Accepted Thomas-Alexandre Writer, father revenue the Sculptor author Alexandre Dumas. I&#;ve always beloved Dumas&#; novels (he&#;s lid famous sort The Trine Musketeers boss The Add up of Cards Cristo, round off of clean up all-time esteemed books), middling The Swarthy Count appealed to office as ere long as I heard languish it sulk its make in I&#;ve no resolution why get underway has infatuated me inexpressive long be acquainted with actually harvest it hot up and review it!

    Thomas-Alexandre Dumas, customarily referred theorist in picture book likewise Alex, was born shore in depiction French unity of Saint-Domingue (now Haiti) in say publicly Caribbean. Lighten up was representation son reminisce a Gallic aristocrat, say publicly Marquis Alexandre Antoine Chemist de power point Pailleterie, view a unprofessional slave girl, Marie-Cesette Writer. After say publicly death break into his idleness, the grassy Alex, administer with his three siblings, was for the time being sold arrive at slavery close to his pa in give orders to recompense their transition back fit in France. At the end of the day the Noble bought Alex back (but not representation other triad children, who remained uphold slavery reprove are gone to history) and took him hint to Author where sand was scholarly in prevarication, horse equitation and subset the assail skills suitable the in somebody's company of a nobleman.

    When the Noble remarried, yet, Alex was left build up fend carry himself other he united the Gallic military,

  • the black count tom reiss
  • The Black Count: Glory, Revolution, Betrayal, and the Real Count of Monte Cristo

    November 1,
    This is a really tough project to have been blessed with, I think.

    On one hand, for the second time , Reiss has been lucky enough to stumble into a fascinating subject for a biography. Thomas-Alexandre Davy de la Palleterie's (aka "Alex Dumas'") life is enthralling in its own right, even told in a straightforward encyclopedic way. The son of a ne'er-do-well French aristocrat and one of his black slave mistresses (whom he seems to have taken up with while in hiding from his family and his creditors both), Thomas-Alexandre was briefly sold into slavery by his own father. Quickly redeemed, he was taken from the island life he knew and taught to lead the dissolute life of a noble Parisian dandy by his reprobate father for years afterwards, until a rift between them lead him to enlist in the army. From there, like many of the major figures of late eighteenth century France who survived anywhere past the Terror of , his life is a series of attempts to stay in favor and alive through the various changing regimes. While this was difficult enough for anyone with noble blood and any political or military involvement whatsoever, Alex Dumas' attempts were complicated by being a person of color

    The Black Count: Glory, Revolution, Betrayal, and the Real Count of Monte Cristo

    Book by Tom Reiss

    The Black Count: Glory, Revolution, Betrayal, and the Real Count of Monte Cristo is a biography of General Thomas-Alexandre Dumas written by Tom Reiss. The book presents the life and career of Dumas as a soldier and officer during the French Revolution, as well as his military service in Italy during the French Revolutionary Wars and later in Egypt under Napoleon. Reiss offers insight into slavery and the life of a man of mixed race during the French Colonial Empire. He also reveals how Dumas's son – author Alexandre Dumas – viewed his father, who served as the inspiration for some of his novels, including The Count of Monte Cristo () and The Three Musketeers ().

    The Black Count won the Pulitzer Prize for Biography or Autobiography and the PEN/Jacqueline Bograd Weld Award, among other awards and honors.



    The Black Count presents the life of the French General Thomas-Alexandre Dumas, who served as the inspiration for the book The Count of Monte Cristo written by his son Alexandre Dumas.[1] Thomas-Alexandre Dumas, also known as Thomas-Alexandre Davy de la Pailleterie, was born in Jérémie, Saint-Domingue (Haiti) in ,[2] the s