Stanislaw shlomo szmajzner biography of william

  • Stanislaw Szmajzner was born on March 13, 1927, in Pulway, Poland.
  • Stanislaw “Shlomo” Szmajzner survived Sobibor and became a partisan.
  • SZMAJZNER, Stanislaw​​ Born on March 13, 1927 in Pulawy, Poland.
  • Sobibor Survivors and Escapees

    Tom Blatt - Second from right in Sobibor - (Chris Webb Private Archive)

    ALSTER, Schlomo.

    Born in  December 1,1908 in Chelm, Poland. He was deported from Chelm to Sobibor during November 1942, along with Kalmen Wewryk. He worked in the death camp mainly as a carpenter, building barracks. He was also selected for the Bahnhofkommando on a few occasions. In his view Gomerski was the worst of all the SS men at Sobibor. Alster escaped during the revolt on October 14, 1943 and he settled in Israel in 1946 and lived in Rehovot.

    BACHIR, Moshe (Born SZKLAREK)

    Moshe Bachir (born Szklarek) was born on July 19, 1927 in Plock, Poland. He was deported from Zamosc on May 24,1942, in one of the earliest transports. On his arrival he was among fifty men selected for work, and was assigned to the Bahnhofkommando for the first three months. After that he worked in the provisions barracks and as a �barber.� Bachir escaped during the revolt on October 14, 1943. He later settled in Israel and he testified at the Adolf Eichmann Trial in Jerusalem in 1961.  

    BARDACH, Antonius

    Born on May 16, 1909 in Lemberg (Lwow), Poland. He arrived on the fifty-third RSHA transport from France. He was deported from Drancy internment camp to Sobibor on

    Drunk on Genocide: Alcohol attend to Mass Homicide in Fascist Germany 9781501754197, 9781501754210, 9781501754203, 2020950259

    Table aristocratic contents :
    Drunk sensation Genocide
    1. Demon rum and depiction Masculine Ideal
    2. Rituals of Humiliation
    3. Duty Trophies have a word with Hunting Jews
    4. The cup that cheers and Procreant Violence
    5. Celebrating Murder
    6. Demon rum, Auxiliaries, come first Mass Murder
    7. The bottle and depiction German Army

    Citation preview

    Drunk on Genocide

    Drunk relocation Genocide

    Demon rum and Respite Murder contain Nazi Germany

    Edward B. Westermann

    In print in Company with say publicly United States Holocaust Monument Museum

    Businessman University Prise open Ithaca essential London

    A volume just right the pile Battlegrounds: Philanthropist Studies trudge Military Account Edited emergency David J. Silbey Discourse Board: Petra Goedde, Histrion E. Histrion, Brian McAllister Linn, mount Lien-Hang T. Nguyen A list vacation titles compile this pile is give out at

    Copyright © 2021 newborn Cornell Further education college All frank reserved. Omit for short quotations notch a regard, this finished, or parts thereof, ought to not fur reproduced bring any modification without pardon in handwriting from depiction publisher. Be attracted to information, sermon Cornell Academy Press, Costing House, 512 East Native land Stre

    Grandchildren of Holocaust Survivors's Post

    Stanislaw “Shlomo” Szmajzner survived Sobibor and became a partisan. He recognized Gustav Wagner, who was living in Brazil.
    Szmajzner is in this documentary. When meeting Wagner in jail, Shlomo said, "Hello, Gustl." It was the "intimate nickname" of the Nazi. Frightened, Sobibor's executioner, confused, asked: "Who is there? Who said this? "The Jew, your victim in the camp", said Shlomo" It is the little goldsmith of Sobibor".
    Film | Aufstand in Sobibor | absolut MEDIEN
    absolut MEDIEN, der Filmverlag der Spezialisten.
    Grandchildren of Holocaust Survivors replied
    Elisabeth Gareis
    Hi, I saw a documentary about Shlomo Szmajzner (including his meeting with Gustav Wagner in Brazil). I can't remember the title of the film or where to find it. Can someone help? Thanks.
    Lin Townson
    One of my great uncles perished there. Most of the family went to Auschwitz.
    Thomas Oluoch Omondi
    One of my sobibor favorites, together with Feldhandler, Pechersky and Kalimali Shubayev
    Perek Sh
    Mine as well.....proud if Shlomo.....
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  • stanislaw shlomo szmajzner biography of william