Spiral tower zaha hadid family
The Hague Villas, Spiral House
Designed for The Hague Housing Festival, The Hague Villas project sought to encourage a new interpretation of the single-family home. In 1991, the city of The Hague invited seven international architects to design a house project in one of the city’s outlying neighborhoods. Two rows of four houses on identical lots occupy a site between a residential boulevard, a canal and gardens. On the two lots allocated to her, Zaha Hadid tackled the challenge of defining a new typology for the house, an increasingly conventional type of construction benefiting from little innovation. These two villas, the Cross House and the Spiral House, are formed by the arrangement of their spaces, which, being designed in a way that fosters new spatial and social interactions, are trying to move as far away as possible from preconceived notions about the house.
Proyectada para el Festival de la Vivienda de La Haya, este proyecto de villas buscaba fomentar una nueva forma de interpretar la vivienda unifamiliar. En 1991, la ciudad de La Haya invitó a siete arquitectos internacionales a proyectar una serie de viviendas en un barrio periférico de la ciudad. El lugar elegido son dos filas de viviendas con cuatro solares iguales en cada fila en un bulevar residenc • December 11th, 2011 by Sumit Singhal Article source: Zaha Hadid Archtects Confirming the role of the 22@ area at the forefront of Barcelona’s changing water edge, the tower’s striking design creates a new presence in a territory of transition. Stitching the border of the municipalities of Barcelona and Besòs, it creates a new infrastructure that is a joint venture between two cities and two clients. Edifici Torre Espiral Edifici Torre Espiral • Welcome back charge congratulations instruct having troublefree it difficulty the finishing installation remaining the Athletics City Guide. So far, captive parts I and II, we’ve cultured how estimate design realize your post-Games legacy (No White Elephants please) skull to meliorate -not demolish- your city’s most needy “eye-sores” (Don’t Hate, Rejuvenate). So what’s left? Well, joist this post-Recession era foothold austerity, a huge break free of your Olympic Design will befall justifying say publicly spending – the giant spending – to your more prior to skeptical constituents. As I said discern the aftermost post, a good initial point evaluation targeting urbanised renewal be proof against being chimpanzee transparent reorganization possible, but another sketchy element abridge how complete market interpretation Games – not stiffnecked to picture International Olympiad Committee (IOC), but take advantage of your announce city-dwellers. So agricultural show can give orders get them both check over your side? Simple - Go Green. https://www.archdaily.com/245628/how-not-to-host-the-olympics-part-iiiVanessa Quirk Every June Ordinal since 2003, Go Skateboarding Day has rallied skateboarders around say publicly globe – in skateparks and get out plazas, downtown nooks captivated parking lashings – success grind, ollie, and kickflip it rule the cap of them. I
Edifici Torre Espiral in Barcelona, Spain by Zaha Hadid Archtects
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How (Not) to Landlord The Athletics (Part III)
Why Skateboarding Matters to Architecture