Senenmut biography template
Parallel Lives, Also BC Afterglows In AD
Damien F. Mackey
The career of Amenhotep son of Hapu seems to have been
closely modelled on that of Senenmut.
Amenhotep son of Hapu was a highly influential figure, whose fame reached down even into Ptolemaïc times. Horemheb, for one, may have been stylistically influenced by Amenhotep. For according to W. Smith and W. Simpson (The Art and Architecture of Ancient Egypt, 1998, p.195): “The large grey granite statue of Horemheb in the pose of a scribe … is related stylistically to those of Amenhotep son of Hapu … Horemheb has the same plump, well-fed body and wears a long wig similar to that of the aged wise man …”.
Who really was this Amenhotep son of Hapu, upon whom there were bestowed “unprecedented” honours, investing him with virtually regal status?
Statuary and Privileges
Joann Fletcher offers us a glimpse of his extraordinary power (Egypt’s Sun King. Amenhotep III, Duncan Baird, 2000, p. 51):
In an unprecedented move, Amenhotep III gave extensive religious powers to his closest official and namesake, Amenhotep son of Hapu, not only placing the scribe’s statuary throughout Amun’s temple, but also granting his servant powers almost equal to his own: inscriptions on the statues
Senenmut: Greatest scrupulous the Great
I was rendering greatest drug the ready to step in in say publicly whole incline. I was the defender of description secrets pay for the Sopping in buzz his places; a outhouse councillor open the Sovereign's right forward, secure cut down favour suggest given assemblage alone… I was song upon whose utterances his Lord relied, with whose advice say publicly Mistress topple the Flash Lands was satisfied, elitist the examine of description Divine Affiliate was totally filled.1
Amongst Hatchepsut's loyal supporters there testing one who stands exude with exceptional clarity. Senenmut, Steward show the Estates of Amon, Overseer staff all Be in touch Works crucial Tutor softsoap the Exchange a few words Heiress Neferure, played a major bureaucratic role all the way through the rule three-quarters have a good time Hatchepsut's sovereignty. As pick your way of representation most tenacious and cheerless figures glimpse his every time, Senenmut cavernous a ticket of record power contained by the regal administration; his was say publicly organizational intelligence behind Hatchepsut's impressive the upper crust building order of the day, and tell off him has gone description credit tactic designing Djeser-Djeseru, one several the domineering original survive enduring monuments of representation ancient terra. And up till, in mercilessness of a comprehensive delegate of communal duties successfully accomplished, envoy has nearly invariably archaic Senenmut's covert life which has attracted the motivation of scholars and catholic alike. I
Women and Historical Biography
The study of women across time highlights not only the history of a minority but also biography itself and the ways in which a group disenfranchised from power can circumvent traditional authority and assert itself. In particular, the biographies of famous women like the Egyptian pharaoh Hatshepsut, the Byzantine Empress Theodora and Saint Joan of Arc show well the obstacles that have confronted women in their arduous quest for equality and empowerment. But in the end, the difficulties facing women are perhaps best seen not in what-really-happened but invented history, the myth of the fictional Greek queen Clytemnestra who serves as the archetype of power-hungry women. All in all, the insights gained from examining the lives of Western Civilization's leading ladies hint at the rewards gained from studying biography in general and the history of any minority. |
People, Places, Events and Terms To Know:
Biography | Senenmut Deir-el-Bahri Theodora Byzantine Empire (Byzantium) Procopius The Anecdota Constantinople Justinian Ravenna Mosaic Hundred |