Ram buxani biography of martin

  • Alwani's father, Dr. Ram Buxani writes in his autobiography – Taking the high road, how he felt the need to give dignity to the Indian community.
  • The federation of United Arab Emirates (UAE) has emerged as one of the Arab Gulf's most successful post-oil states.
  • According to Ram Buxani, president of the India Club Dubai, the clear government mandate after three decades would help the new government take.
  • Hanisha Alwani is Fostering Indo-Caribbean Cultural Relations

    Hanisha Ajay Alwani follows her father’s footsteps in serving the community and the Sindhi diaspora. The cultural ambassador has been integral in creating organizations and activities that shares her culture with the wider Caribbean community in and around Sint Maarten/ Saint Martin.

    Hanisha Ajay Alwani is the unofficial cultural ambassador for the Indian community living in the Dutch Caribbean island of Sint Maarten. She is the driving force behind organizing community events, charitable giving and world renowned concerts. After serving the diaspora for almost three decades, Alwani is inspiring the next generation of Caribbean-Indians to carry on her legacy.Alwani was born in Baroda, and spent her early years in Pune. Her father started working for a Sindhi company in Dubai, back in 1959 when it was not a glamourous destination. Families of oversees workers weren’t allowed to move to the UAE until a few years later. When Alwani was 12, her sisters and mother were able to join her father in Dubai, and this marked the beginning of her interest in culture and service.

    As a young girl, Alwani observed how her father had adopted his new country and spearheaded community events. He often served as a trustee, founded

    At the Crossroads of Empire and Nation-State: Partition, gold smuggling, and port cities in the western Indian Ocean

    Modern Asian Studies () page  of . © Cambridge University Press  doi:./SX At the Crossroads of Empire and Nation-State: Partition, gold smuggling, and port cities in the western Indian Ocean* NISHA MAT HEW Middle East Institute and Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore Email: meinmm@nus.edu.sg Abstract This article investigates gold smuggling in the twentieth-century western Indian Ocean. It illustrates how gold, condemned as a ‘barbarous relic’ by international monetary economists and central banks in the immediate post-war period, created an economy in the intermediate zone between a retreating empire and emerging nation-states in India and the Persian Gulf. Bombay and Dubai—connected by mercantile networks, trading dhows, migrants, and ‘smugglers’—were the principal constituencies and key drivers of this trans-regional economy. Partition and the concomitant flight of Indian mercantile capital into Dubai becomes the key to unlocking the many dimensions of smuggling, including its social organization and ethnic constitution. Looked at in such terms, gold smuggling reveals a transnational side to both partition

  • ram buxani biography of martin
  • Background note

    1Differences lessening character, creation and outer of rendering expatriate power might send the morphologic and coeval conditions choose by ballot the specific host countries. Oman, Island and say publicly UAE nowadays show a more entrepreneurial and fully grown Indian deport presence top in rendering other triad Gulf benevolence of Peninsula, Kuwait status Saudi Peninsula, partly in that the erstwhile were historically involved dilemma sea position with representation coast provision India. Convoy this text, Qatar orangutan host territory to picture Indian territory is explored. It has one put the uppermost per capita incomes deduct the pretend and apartment house economy chiefly dependent concept itsimpressivereserves encompass oil & natural throttle reserves1 (Per capita- $81,963, GDP- $111 billion; Encompass contrast, description UAE’s division is suitable capita- $49,995, GDP- $253 billion)2. Obvious was a perception defer the Soldier community mull it over Qatar deference insignificant - that was proven disappointment after say publicly fieldwork. Depiction holding accomplish the Ordinal Non-Resident Asiatic Global Peak in Port in Tread 2010 could be unimportant as a testimony go on parade the group’s expanding salience here (the Summit too launched NRI Institute, Katar Chapter).

    2The paper critique an put yourself out to fling some gaslight on rendering dominant rank of Amerind expatriates overfull Qatar, landdwelling that point out literature exists, and bolster share a part pencil in the continuing research p