Myriame jean biography of george
Georges Marchal
screenplay: Pierre Benoît, Pierre Billon
Maud Toulmonde
1Department of Medicinal Oncology, Institut Bergonié, 33076 Bordeaux, France;
Conceptualization, Mend analysis, Inquiry, Writing – original outline, Writing – review & editing
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Derek Dinart
2Department of Epidemiology and Clinical Research, Institut Bergonié, 33076 Bordeaux, France; (D.D.); (S.M.-P.); (C.B.)
Conceptualization, Methodology, Unswerving analysis, Figures curation, Penmanship – starting draft, Expressions – examine & editing
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Mehdi Brahmi
3Department footnote Medical Oncology, Centre Metropolis Berard, 69373 Lyon, France; (M.B.); (A.D.); (J.Y.B.)
Investigation, Writing – original rough sketch, Writing – review & editing
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Benjamin Verret
4Department of Aesculapian Oncology, Gustave Roussy, 94800 Villejuif, France; (B.V.); (C.H.); (A.L.C.)
Investigation, Writing – or
Rediscovering Georges de Peyrebrune by Marie Martine
Today’s special episode is by Marie Martine. Marie is a third year PhD student at the University of Oxford. Her research focuses on women writers from the end of the nineteenth century in France, Germany, and Norway. Her thesis looks at how those writers have responded to contemporary discourses around women’s sexuality and mental health, notably in naturalist fiction. Before her PhD, she did her masters in German and Comparative Literature at the universities of Bonn and St Andrews. She has a bachelor degree in Franco-German studies from the universities of La Sorbonne and of Bonn, in Germany.
Her talk is about Mathilde-Marie Georgina Élisabeth de Peyrebrune, known by her penname as George de Peyrebrune. While Peyrebrune’s works are not as well-known today, she was one of the most popular novelists of her age, who lived a remarkable life during the French Belle Époque.
Today, I would like to talk about the French writer Georges de Peyrebrune. But before I discuss her trajectory, from an illegitimate child from the Périgord to a successful fin-de-siècle writer in Paris, I would like to share an anecdote that perfectly illustrates her strong character.