Leonila dimayuga garcia biography for kids

  • He studied law at the Philippine Law School and married Leonila Dimayuga, with whom he had a daughter named Linda.
  • 7.
  • The document provides biographical information about Philippine presidents Carlos Garcia, Diosdado Macapagal, and Ferdinand Marcos.
  • Carlos P. Garcia Biography by Moriset Tan

  • 1. Moriset Paz Djela Tan 5 - Pulag
  • 2.  Carlos P. Garcia is the 8th President of the Philippines and the 4th president of the 3rd Republic of the Philippines. He was noted for the enunciation of the Filipino First Policy, intended to complete and guarantee Philippine economic and Independence sovereighty.
  • 3.  García was born in Talibon, Bohol, to Policronio García and Ambrosia Polístico, who were both natives of Bangued, Abra.  García grew up with politics, with his father serving as a municipal mayor for four terms.Rather than practice law right away, he worked as a teacher for two years at Bohol Provincial High School. He became famous for his poetry in Bohol, where he earned the nickname "Prince of Visayan Poets" and the "Bard from Bohol".
  • 4.  . He acquired his primary education in his native Talibon, then took his secondary education in Cebu Provincial High School. Initially, he pursued his college education at Silliman University in Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental, and later studied at the Philippine Law School where he earned his law degree in 1923. He was among the top ten in the bar examination.
  • 5. Primary Education Native Talibon College Education Silliman University Secondary Education

    Senate Electoral Tribunal

    NAME OF Grass PERSONNELDate persuade somebody to buy Separation(Surname, Gain Name, Halfway Name)(mm/dd/yyyy)1Abrea, Marianne delos ReyesAug 01, 20052Advincula, Shirley CustodioMar 16, 20053Agabin, Florence AngolluanAug 28, 20064Alba, Anna Rocel Gerarda BernaldesMay 01, 19785Alegre, Peter Apostle MonsodDec 17, 19946Alfaro, Anna Tencing LacuananAug 19, 19987Alinsug, Homer SolideoMar 01, 20018Allanigue, Allan LagosFeb 16, 19939Almario, Sherwin Archangel BersaminJul 01, 200110Amahan, Renato PalenAug 24, 200411Amaranto, Sponsor GarchitorenaMar 09, 200112Amargo, Rafael MiguelNov 06, 200913Andrade, Jane AlbayJan 01, 200414Arboleda, Cesar, Jr. EstebanJul 01, 200115Arboleda, Richard Astronaut BilledoAug 09, 199916Arrogancia, Jennifer Carina GuertaAug 01, 199517Arrogante, Alfredo BalutJan 01, 199918Bacungan, Eleanor CaluyaMar 03, 199319Bagul, Yusoph TardaAug 01, 199120Balmes, Erickson HernandezJan 01, 200721Barcena, Johann Carlos SulitJul 01, 201022Barrameda, Nida BoralSep 01, 199223Barrosa, Soprano PazAug 21, 200124Baturiano, Sandra CastilloJul 01, 200925Bautista, King MortelMar
  • leonila dimayuga garcia biography for kids
  • Carlos P. Garcia.pptx

  • 2. Carlos P. Garcia • Carlos Polestico Garcia KR (Tagalog: [ˈkaɾlɔs pɔlɛsˈtɪkɔ gaɾˈsɪa]; November 4, 1896 – June 14, 1971) was a Filipino teacher, poet, orator, lawyer, public official, political economist, guerrilla and Commonwealth military leader who was the eighth president of the Philippines. A lawyer by profession, Garcia entered politics when he became representative of Bohol’s 3rd district in the House of Representatives. He then served as a senator from 1945 to 1953. In 1953 he was the running mate of Ramon Magsaysay in the 1953 presidential election. He then served as vice president from 1953 to 1957. After the death of Magsaysay in March 1957, he succeeded to the presidency. He won a full term in the 1957 presidential election. He ran for a second full term as president in the 1961 presidential election and was defeated by Vice President Diosdado Macapagal.
  • 3. Early life and education • Garcia was born in Talibon, Bohol, Philippines on November 4, 1896, to Policronio Garcia and Ambrosia Polestico, who were both natives of Bangued, Abra. • Garcia grew up with politics, with his father serving as a municipal mayor for four terms. He acquired his primary education in his native town T