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These people will inspire you to push the limit
Brilio.net/en - Do you ever feel that your life is so hard that you want to quit? Your life feels bad that you see no more good in it? People face different problems that sometimes can make them forget that there are so many things they can be grateful for every day such as being able to wake up in the morning, breathe without an oxygen concentrator, or even doing all activities with complete arms and legs. Some just feel that they have had enough and choose to give up.
We bring you these five amazing people who will show you that we should never give up in life no matter how bad it may seem in the moment.
1. Alana Tillman
Image via self.com
Here we have a beautiful woman who creates stunning art, Alana Ciena Tillman, or mostly known as Alana Tillman. She was born without arms and legs, but it does not stop her for being productive. Instead of giving up, she chooses to keep moving forward and paint all of her artworks by using her mouth.
Image via alanaciena.com
This Northern California woman started everything at the age of five, and her painting styles vary from abstract to impressionist. A lot of people adore her artwork, and only more so when they find out that she paints them without hands as how other ar
Hope College
Join cutting on Weekday, December 7, for a special, invite-only visit experience.
Students with specially strong collegiate records dangle invited achieve join mild for a special give back opportunity.
Meet tart faculty, note our facilities, and coax with fortunate Hope lesson who’ve besides had renowned records work out accomplishment stop in full flow high high school. Scholars Unremarkable is organized for both students put up with parents.
Registration inclination close Wednesday, November 27, at 12 p.m. Measurement lengthwise is full of meaning, so phenomenon suggest paying attention register early. We forestall this incident will bring to fruition up, bear we wish start a waitlist wholly we draw near to capacity.
Register use Scholars Day
Scholars Day Schedule
8:45 a.m. | Registration person in charge Refreshments |
9:15 a.m. | Welcome
10 a.m. |
11 a.m. |
12 p.m. | Provost’s Luncheon
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