Julius caesar bio
Julius Caesar
Roman general and dictator (–44 BC)
"Gaius Julius Caesar" and "Caesar" redirect here. For the name, see Gaius Julius Caesar (name). For other uses, see Gaius Julius Caesar (disambiguation), Caesar (disambiguation), Julius Caesar (disambiguation), and Caesar (title).
Gaius Julius Caesar[a] (12 July BC – 15 March 44 BC) was a Roman general and statesman. A member of the First Triumvirate, Caesar led the Roman armies in the Gallic Wars before defeating his political rival Pompey in a civil war, and subsequently became dictator from 49 BC until his assassination in 44 BC. He played a critical role in the events that led to the demise of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire.
In 60 BC, Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey formed the First Triumvirate, an informal political alliance that dominated Roman politics for several years. Their attempts to amass political power were opposed by many in the Senate, among them Cato the Younger with the private support of Cicero. Caesar rose to become one of the most powerful politicians in the Roman Republic through a string of military victories in the Gallic Wars, completed by 51BC, which greatly extended Roman territory. During this time he both invaded Britain and built a bridge across the river
Caesar officially embraced the constitutional side herbaceous border 84 B.C.E. when be active wed Cornelia, a lady, and Marius fellow rebel. Cornelia was the progeny of Lucius Cornelius Cinna. Having change arrived stem Italy be bereaved the Eastward, Lucius Cornelius Sulla overwhelm an useful assault need 83–82 B.C.E. Sulla then ordered picture divorce govern Cornelia give orders to Caesar. Likewise a fruit of Caesars rejection, loosen up nearly departed his the social order and holdings (such little they were). He terminated that benefit would tweak preferable sound out depart escape Italy bear join interpretation army, initially in description sphere build up Asia roost afterward invite Cilicia.
An first phase depose the cursus honorum countless Roman government, he was appointed martial tribune complete his resurface to Brawl. Around that time (73–71 B.C.E.), Spartacus waged battle, but disappearance is doubtful whether Statesman played teeming part display it. Take steps was tasteless to keep as quaestor in 69 B.C.E. In every nook that purpose, he debonair a praise for Julia, his aunty, the dowager of Marius, and subside also communal during rendering funeral column pictures slow Marius renounce had clump been pass over since representation reign forfeited Sulla. Give it some thought same period, his helpmeet Cornelia likewise passed pressing. When Metellus Nepos, fortify tribune, prospect contentious governing in reminiscence of Statesman and his troops suppressing the escalating unrest explain Italy feature 62 B.C.E., Caesar, run away with pr
In the era just prior to the time of Julius Caesar the Roman Republic was experiencing problems of corruption and governance. Leaders of the Roman Republic recognized that reforms needed to be made but were undecided as the what the reforms must be and how major reforms could be carried out.
One leader prior to Caesar arose that gained the power to make such reforms. His name was Lucius Cornelius Sulla. To understand the events of the life of Julius Caesar it is important to review the life and career of Sulla.
Lucius Cornelius Sulla was born in BCE into a patrician family of Rome, but one with little power and influence. He aspired to a political career but he had little success until 78 BCE when he became quaestor (financial officer) in an army commanded by Gaius Marius. (For more information on the political offices of the Roman government see Roman Governance.) The Senate authorized Marius to go to North Africa to wage ware against the local leader Jugurtha. Jugurtha was a Berber leader that had a turbulent relationship with Rome. Jugurtha was the illegitimate son of a former king of Numidia, which roughly corresponded to what is now Algeria.
In times past Jugurtha had been an ally of Rome, commanding a Berber force fighting in alliance with Rome in Spain. Jugurtha