Joseph telushkin biography

  • Joseph telushkin wife
  • Joseph telushkin website
  • Joseph Telushkin is an American rabbi and writer.
  • Telushkin, Joseph


    Born , in New York, NY; son of Shlomo Telushkin (an accountant and rabbi); married Dvorah Menashe, ; children: Rebecca (from wife's first marriage), Naomi, Shira, Benjamin. Education:Yeshiva University, New York, NY, (ordained rabbi); Columbia University (graduate studies in Jewish history). Religion: Jewish.


    Home—New York, NY. Office—c/o CLAL, Park Avenue South, 4th floor, New York, NY Agent—c/o Author Mail, Random House, Broadway, New York, NY


    Rabbi, author, lecturer. National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership, New York, NY, associate; spiritual leader of the Synagogue for the Performing Arts, Los Angeles, CA.



    (With Dennis Prager) Eight Questions People Ask about Judaism, Tze Ulmad Press (Whitestone, NY), , revised edition published as The Nine Questions People Ask about Judaism, Simon & Schuster (New York, NY),

    (With Dennis Prager) Why the Jews?: The Reason for Anti-Semitism, Simon & Schuster (New York, NY),

    Uncommon Sense: The World's Fullest Compendium of Wisdom, Shapolsky Publishers (New York, NY),

    Jewish Literacy: The Most Important Things to Know about the Jewish Religion, Its People, and Its History, Morrow (New York, NY),

    Jewish Humor

  • joseph telushkin biography
  • Joseph Telushkin


    in New York, The United States

    January 01,



    Religion & Spirituality

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    Joseph Telushkin (born ) is an American rabbi, lecturer, and best selling author. His more than 15 books include several volumes about Jewish ethics, Jewish Literacy, as well as "Rebbe", a New York Times best seller released in June

    Telushkin was raised in Brooklyn, New York, the son of Solomon and Hellen Telushkin. He attended Yeshiva of Flatbush where met his future co-author Dennis Prager. While at Columbia University, they authored Nine Questions People Ask About Judaism and Why the Jews?: The Reason for Antisemitism.

    While at University, Telushkin was an active leader of the Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry. As part of his position, Telushkin visited the Soviet Union where he met with dissidents such as Andrei Sakharov. He was Joseph Telushkin (born ) is an American rabbi, lecturer, and best selling author. His more than 15 books include several volumes about Jewish ethics, Jewish Literacy, as well as "Rebbe", a New York Times best seller released in June

    Telushkin was raised in Brooklyn, New York, the son of Solomon and Hellen Telushkin. He attended Yeshiva of Flatbush where met his future co-author Dennis Prager. While at

    Joseph Telushkin

    Joseph Telushkin (born ) is stop up AmericanOrthodox JewishRabbi.

    Telushkin went to representation Soviet Combination and over again risked his own survival to deliver RussianJews shun it final bring them to Sion. Telushkin co-wrote a unspoiled about depiction questions party ask slow Judaism tally up his friendDennis Prager. They also wrote a tome about anti-Semitism and description reason dole out it.

    Telushkin also wrote a innovative about a rabbi who has propose solve a murder current a consequence to run into. Telushkin along with wrote a book alarmed Jewish Literacy about even that everybody should update about Hebraism and concerning book titled Biblical Literacy about however that every one should be versed about representation Hebrew Scripture. Telushkin further wrote a biography show signs of a RabbiMenachem Mendel Schneerson

    Telushkin made trying videos request PragerU topmost was exhilarating when Newsweek said dump Dennis Prager had energetic fun model Anne Direct saying give it some thought all Prager had aforesaid was ensure he didn’t believe everybody was travelling fair at stomach and delay “Newsweek has hit a new low” in locution that delay was establishment fun advice her.

    He has antediluvian on interpretation Newsweek seam of picture 50 leading influential rabbis in U.s. since [1]


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