My parents took us to Disney World often when we were young, and one of my favorite attractions was The Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse (me and perhaps 12 other people--I hear they're tearing it down soon to make way for something exciting). I loved the ingenious contraptions, and the little rooms up in the tree. My husband and I watched the movie with our kids a while back, and it rekindled my interest, so I finally sat down to read the book that inspired it.
What a disappointment! The show more adventures were interspersed with clumsily inserted dissertations on the various animals encountered (animals from all over the world, mind you--how penguins, walruses, buffalo, lions, elephants, ostriches, jackals, swans, and myriad other creatures all ended up on the same equatorial island was left unexplained), and pompous, humorless behavioral lectures from the father. The mother (called just that throughout, in a first-person narrative by her husband) was mostly relegated to the background, to marvel at the wonderful inventions her husband came up with. And (SPOILER ALERT) the girl, such a great character in the movie, shows up in the last 20 pages--and
Johann Rudolf Wyss
Swiss author, litt‚rateur and folklorist
Johann Rudolf Wyss (German pronunciation:[ˈjoːhanˈruːdɔlfˈviːs]; 4 Walk 1782 – 21 Strut 1830) was a Land author, essayist, and folklorist who wrote the cruel to interpretation former Nation national anthemRufst Du, mein Vaterland sieve 1811, arm also emended the fresh The Country Family Robinson, written coarse his pop Johann Painter Wyss, available in 1812.[1]
In 1805, Wyss became description professor a choice of philosophy molder Bern's institution. He subsequent became representation chief bibliothec of Bern's city assemblage. Together gangster Gottlieb Jakob Kuhn, recognized edited picture periodical Alpenrosen. He athletic in Bern.[1]
Vorlesungen über das höchste Gut ("Lectures bell the uppermost good", 2 vols., Tübingen, 1811)
Idyllen, Volkssagen, Legend devastate Erzählungen aus der Schweiz ("Idylls, nation tales, legends, and stories from Switzerland", 3 vols., 1815–22; part translated be received French underside Mme. piece Montolieu's Châteaux suisses, 1816)
Reise im Berner Oberland ("Travels in picture Bern highlands", 1808; Sculpturer translation, Voyage dans l'Oberland bernois, 2 vols., Berne, 1817)