Fiche d identite de moliere biography

  • Molière est un dramaturge incontournable de l'histoire littéraire française ayant vécu au XVIIème siècle.
  • A mathematician and theorist of fortifications, a military historian and a master of language, his name remains attached to that of Molière, of whom he was.
  • Cette ressource présente la structure d'une pièce de théâtre en prenant appui sur la fameuse scène 7 de l'acte IV de l'Avare de Molière.
  • Fiche D'identité AUTEURS

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    Fiche d'Identité AUTEURS


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    Nom : Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de MARIVAUX

    Date : 1688-1763
    XVIIIe siècle, siècle des Lumières

    Métier : dramaturge

    Origine : français

    Genre littéraire : théâtre principalement, comédie

    Œuvres : L’île des esclaves (1725), La colonie (1750)

    et Le jeu de l’amour et du hasard (1730)

    Thèmes : amour et société, esclavage, inversion maître-valet

    métier : poète

    Date : ANTIQUITÉ
    (VIIIe siècle av. J.-C.)

    Origine : grec

    Genre littéraire : épopée

    Œuvres : L’Iliade et L’Odyssée

    Thèmes : aventures, héros, monstres mythologiq
  • fiche d identite de moliere biography
  • Comedy and the Limits of the Human in Molière's Ecole des femmes


    Frontispiece 1663Cover (reproduced with kind permission from the University of Chicago) I want to begin by making what might seem like a strange move. I want to promote from the periphery to the centre of L'Ecole des femmes a tiny detail that I will suggest bears an implicit relation not only to some of the central aesthetic problems of Molière's 1662 play, but also to important aspects of the querelle concerning the play's originality and value that unfolded during the following year. The detail in question is this: before returning to France just prior to the start of the play, Agnès's father Enrique has spent fourteen years in the Americas l'Amérique -where, we are told, he has accumulated a fortune. 1 We are given this detail fewer than 300 lines into the play (I, iv, 269-71) and it returns again, indirectly, just several lines before the end where Oronte tells us that Enrique had been obliged by fate 'd'aller essuyer mille périls divers / Dans ces lieux séparés de nous par tant de mers' (V, ix, 1746-47). 2 The reference to the Americas both opens and closes the play, 1 My thanks to Daniel Desormeaux who suggested, following the presentation of a shorter ver

    MOLIÈRE - [GRIMAREST, Jean-Léonor LE GALLOIS sieur de]. The - Lot 21


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