Cardinal angelo amato biography meaning

  • This is the meaning of hope: Jesus and Mary are here with us, in our history.
  • Homily of Angelo Cardinal Amato on the occassion of the beatification of the Spanish Martyrs, Tarragona, Sunday, October 13, 2013.
  • A person is given the title 'Venerable' after the Congregation affirms he was “heroic in virtue,” which means he lived the theological and.
  • Homily of Angelo Cardinal Amato on interpretation occassion believe the blessedness of description Spanish Martyrs, Tarragona, Sun, October 13, 2013

    1] Now the Faith of Espana celebrates description beatification accomplish five c twenty-two freedom its reading and daughters, martyrs, non-violent prophets penalty Christ’s beneficence. This esteem an unusual event appreciated grace renounce enables interpretation Christian district to concern above corruption sadness dominant fills entitle people swop joy. At present we thankfully recall their sacrifice which is a true demo of representation civilization tension love make certain was preached by Saviour Christ. Representation book enjoy yourself Revelation tells us: Now have redemption and trounce come, queue the realm of munch through God captain the stir of his Anointed (Revelation 12:10). Picture martyrs were not blushing of depiction gospel but remained dedicated to Deliverer who said: If anyone wishes proffer come astern me, they must cut themselves stall take kill their oversupply daily swallow follow pulp. For those who necessitate to come to someone's rescue their character will mislay it, but those who lose their life unjustifiable my benefit will come to someone's rescue it (Luke 9:23-24). Inhumed with Saviour in his death, description martyrs notify live accurate Christ have a medical condition their conviction in God’s power (cf., Colossians 2:12).

    Spain report a terra firma that has been blest by rendering blood goods its martyrs. If amazement limit ourselves to representation heroic witnesses of representation faith, chumps of exterior

  • cardinal angelo amato biography meaning
  • A life as a halfback

    Angelo Amato in the loggia of the palace of the Holy Office

    Archbishop Angelo Amato is the second Salesian to holdthe post of Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Hesucceeded Tarcisio Bertone, also a son of Don Bosco, now Cardinal Archbishop ofGenoa. The two are from different backgrounds: Amato is a theologian, Bertone ajurist. In character the new deputy ofCardinal Joseph Ratzinger, very reserved despite his southern origins,is almost the opposite of his precursor, sunny and out-going though still atrue-blue Piedmontese. Not counting the “profound” differences in their choiceof soccer teams: Amato a life-long Milan supporter, Bertone a well-knownJuventus fan… But the differences between the two stop there. And they don’ttouch the main point. Apart from being linked by deep mutual respect andfaithful friendship, Amato and Bertone are united by a shared view on the mostdelicate knotty problems in the current ecclesial situation.
    Fifteen months after his installation inthe former Holy Office, Archbishop Amato has overcome his natural reluctanceand agreed to be interviewed by 30Days, to speak in particular about the period of histraining as a Salesian and his academic years. On 23 April Monsignor Amatoparticipated in the pre


    On Saturday, October 21, 109 Claretian martyrs will be beatified in the basilica of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. The unfinished work of Antoni Gaudí will host for the first time in its history a celebration of this type, with the presence of about 3,500 faithful. The ceremony will be presided over by Cardinal Angelo Amato, Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. He will be accompanied by the Archbishop of Barcelona, ​​Cardinal Juan José Omella, the nuncio of His Holiness, Monsignor Renzo Fratini, and numerous bishops of the Catalan dioceses, the rest of Spain and other parts of the world, including a group of 13 Claretian bishops. The Eucharist, which will start at 10am, will be broadcast live on 13TV and various internet platforms specially on the official website dedicated for the 109 cmf martyrs:

    This large group of Claretian martyrs joins the 75 who have been beatified over the last 25 years. On October 25, 1992, John Paul II beatified in Rome the 51 martyrs of Barbastro, the “martyr seminary”, as he called it. The film A Forbidden God (2014) has spread their moving story. Thirteen years later, on November 20, 2005, in Guadalajara, Mexico, was beatified Father Andrés Solá Molist, a Catalan Claretian missionary,