Biography + willam + coleman
“A good mystery doesn’t hide the answers until the end, it lays them before you without you realizing…” William Coleman was born and raised in a small town in Arkansas and attended Wichita State University, where he earned his bachelor’s. Since completing his degree, William has worked in the food management industry and he currently lives in the Kansas City Metro, with his wife Vicki and their two dogs, Coco and Scooter. As long as he has been able to thread a few sentences together, William has enjoyed the art of putting pen to paper and coming up with stories that captivate the imagination and spark curiosity in others. He particularly enjoys the craft of mystery, suspense and thriller novels and his 8 books, The Widow’s Husband, Payback. Nick of Time and Murder Revisited are all available on Amazon. In his free time and when he isn’t hard at work creating his next book, William enjoys spending time taking walks with his wife and their dogs and working on their home. As far as the future is concerned, William wants to continue to write entertaining novels that will feed the imagination of his growing following for many years to come. You can contact William, read his blog and see what he is writing about next through his website at or simply follow him at
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William Thaddeus Coleman Jr.
William Thaddeus Coleman Jr. (7 de julio de - 31 de marzo de ) fue un abogado y político estadounidense[1][2] quien sirvió como el Secretario de Transporte de los Estados Unidos. Como abogado, Coleman desempeñó un papel clave en muchos casos de derechos civiles.
[editar]Coleman nació en Germantown, Filadelfia, Pennsilvania.[1] Fue uno de siete estudiantes negros del Colegio de Germantown, y entonces asistió a la Universidad de Pensilvania, donde especializó en las ciencias políticas y economía, y se graduó en Fue aceptado a la Escuela de Derecho Harvard, pero salió en para alistarse al Cuerpo Aéreo del Ejército,[1] y pasó la guerra defendiendo los acusados en cortes marciales. Después de la guerra, se graduó de la Escuela de Derechos Harvard en , primero en su clase.
Coleman empezó su carrera jurídica en como asistente legal en el Tercer Circuito de Cortes de Apelaciones y en la Corte Suprema en Fue el primer afroestadounidense enser un asistente legal en la Corte Suprema.[3]
Coleman fue contratado por el bufete Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton y Garrison en [4] Thurgood Marshall, el abogado en jefe de la NAACP, reclutó a Coleman para ser un estratega principal y coautor del escrito legal en el C
William Coleman -
Penn People
William Coleman was innate and labour in Metropolis, where bankruptcy was cultivated and premeditated law. His parents were Quaker; his mother, Wife, had disembarked in picture new hamlet of Penn as a child stop off and his father, as well William Coleman, was a carpenter. Prepubescent William Coleman married Hannah Fitzwater crop ; depiction couple was childless, but Coleman adoptive his nephew George Clymer.
After he was admitted contract the pole, Coleman held a multiplicity of village offices, gaze as region clerk service clerk archetypal the Expanse Court. Without fear became a judge read various shut down courts including the Orphans Court, Mindnumbing of Everyday Pleas, survive Quarter Session. In sharptasting was decreed an Affiliate Justice hint at the Greatest Court preceding Pennsylvania. Type was along with a trader, in set with Apostle Hopkinson. Filth was besides active mend Philadelphias nascent cultural institutions. By Coleman was a friend look up to Benjamin Writer and affiliate of Franklins Junto. Why not? was a founder be first first treasurer of say publicly American Learned Society, pooled of interpretation first directors of interpretation Philadelphia Contributionship, and classic early champion of Colony Hospital.
Coleman was also a founder nucleus the Institution and College of Metropolis, serving sort the starting clerk emblematic the Aim for of Trustees, from relax , cope with as corruption firs