Biography of immortal technique

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  • Immortal Technique

    Immortal Technique

    Immortal Technique sahnede (Mart 2010).

    DoğumFelipe Andres Coronel
    19 Şubat 1978 (46 yaşında)
    Lima, Lima ili, Peru
    Başladığı yerHarlem, New Dynasty, ABD
    TarzlarEast Seaside hip intrude upon, alternatif purloin hop, politik hip encounter, yer altı hip come across, Hardcore hit it off hop
    MesleklerRapçi, aktivist
    Etkin yıllar2000–günümüz
    Müzik şirketiViper
    İlişkili hareketlerAkir, Mephistophelian, Lowkey, Textile XL, DJ Green Lantern, La Coka Nostra, Pants Grae, Rockin' Squat, Rule Def, Departed Prez, Ras Kass, KRS-One, Pumpkinhead, Reppin MG

    Felipe Andres Coronel (d. 19 Şubat 1978), sahne adıylaImmortal Technique, Perulu-Amerikalı rapçi ve aktivist. Lima, Peru'da doğdu caring Harlem, Fresh York'ta büyüdü.[1] Şarkılarında sınıf mücadelesi, yoksulluk, din, devlet ve ırkçılık gibi konulardan söz eder.


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    Afro-Peru kökenli sanatçı, Lima'da bir askerî hastanede doğdu.[2] Ailesi 1980'de Harlem'a göç etti.[3] Gençlik yıllarında birkaç kez tutuklandı. Manhattan'da Hunter College High School'da okudu. Pensilvanya Üniversitesi'nde okurken, karıştığı bir kavga sonrası bir yıl hapis yattı.[2][4] Cezaevinden

  • biography of immortal technique
  • Immortal Technique

    Peruvian-born rapper Felipe Coronel, aka Immortal Technique, was raised in New York's black district Harlem.

    Revolutionary Vol. 1 (2001) was his agit-prop manifesto, a highly politicized work with stubbornly monotonous, repetitive music. Therefore the emphasis of the project is all on the lyrics, and the lyrics are like an amateurish version of Noam Chomsky's anti-imperialist rants dressed with ideas from assorted conspiracy theorists. At his best he can evoke a dreamy atmosphere, as he does in Positive Balance and Revolutionary. Using Mozart as background for Dance With The Devil is not exactly a stroke of genius. Speak Your Mind To make things worse, his vocal delivery is nothing revolutionary, just a plain, ordinary rap. The Illest, featuring guest vocalists, makes it painfully obvious. The lyrics and the vocal style are in fact what drags down even the songs with a decent accompaniment, like No Me Importa (jazzy flute) and especially The Poverty Of Philosophy (splendid piano melody and sinister rhythm). And if you want to find out how ridiculous his tirades can be, just listen to Beef And Broccoli. By the end of the album, you are ready to vote and volunteer for right-wing parties.

    Revolutionary Vol. 2 (2003) was perhaps

    ImmortalTechnique is a Peruvian born, Harlem raised activist and rapper best known for his complex lyricism, unfeigned humanitarianism, and highly intellectual nature. While incarcerated in his youth, he picked up the pen to unknowingly pioneer a new generation of artists and listeners alike; during his parole in the late nineties, he took battle rap by storm and dominated the world of Underground Hip Hop by being one of the first rappers in a freshly post-9/11 world to amplify the dark history of the United States in an era where most of Hip Hop’s own were waving around the countries flag in support of the war. Instead, he turned it upside down and used his message to take Hip Hop back to its politically charged roots, and as always, highly criticized those in power in his first album, Revolutionary Vol. 1, which went on to become one of the most pirated independent projects to date. 

    Best known for backing his raps with action, his humanitarianism reaches far and wide – from mentoring youth in prison, to building an orphanage in Afghanistan funded by his third album, The 3rd World, to helping to rebuild Haiti after 2010’s devastating earthquake, and handing out water and supplies at the border in Mexico, his life's work is truly with the people. During the height of the pan