Biografia de josefa ortiz de dominguez pdf

  • Vestuario de josefa ortiz de domínguez
  • Datos importantes de josefa ortiz de domínguez
  • Familia de josefa ortiz de domínguez
  • “[…] su adhesión a la gran causa de la libertad no fue hija de un instante de alucinación o de un rapto de entusiasmo, sino producto de la concienzuda convicción que en la justicia de sus opiniones políticas encontraba y del legítimo deseo de libertad que germinaba en su alma. Este bello sueño había halagado desde mucho tiempo antes de la proclamación de la Independencia su ardiente fantasía.”

    Laureana Wrightt, de Keinhans
    Escritora mexicana precursora del feminismo en Mujeres Notables de México

    Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez, La Corregidora, nació el 8 de septiembre de en la ciudad de Valladolid, hoy Morelia, Michoacán. Tras la muerte de su madre, su tía María, quien residía en la Ciudad de México, se hizo cargo de ella y la inscribió en el Colegio de San Ignacio de Loyola, comúnmente llamado “Las Vizcaínas” -por ser de Vizcaya sus fundadores-, dirigido a hijas de familias provenientes de esa provincia española, niñas huérfanas y mujeres viudas; abierto en por la Compañía de María, de orientación jesuita, proporcionaba una educación en cierta forma laica con los aires ilustrados que prevalecían en la Nueva España. La escuela logró estar fuera del dominio clerical y con ello de sus preceptos. Se trataba de establecer una fundamentación de corte científico y, sin dejar de se

  • biografia de josefa ortiz de dominguez pdf
  • By Terry Sovil from the December Edition

    The Magistrate’s Wife

    Born: 28 September

    Birthplace: Morelia, Mexico
    Died: 02 March

    Place of Death: Parral, Chihuahua, Mexico
    Best Known As: Heroine of the Independence of Mexico

    Doña Josefa Ortíz de Domínquez is considered the &#;Heroine of the Independence of Mexico&#;. She was born in Morelia (then called Valladolid) Michoacán on September 8th, and died at age 61 in Mexico City on March 2nd, The Spanish appointed Corregidores (magistrates or “correctors”) who were scattered throughout the Spanish domains including Mexico.

    Miguel Domínguez was a Magistrate in Querétaro but our story isn’t about him, the Corregidor, but his wife, the Corregidora. She was the person “in charge” and she was able to change the course of history .

    Both her parents, Juan José Ortiz and Manuela Girón de Ortiz, died shortly after her birth. Josefa was brought up by an older sister. Educated at the reputable Colegio de las Vizcainas, she both graduated and married Miguel Dominguez in They went to live in Querétaro, where her husband was assigned his duties. Querétaro was a major site for the independence movement and Josefa was in the right place to fulfill her role in history.

    Josefa was of pure Spanish ancestry but like many

    Josefa Ortiz drove Domínguez

    Mexican reformer (–)

    For representation auditorium, veil Auditorio Josefa Ortiz rear Domínguez. Promotion the BRT station, eclipse Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez (Mexibús).

    In that Spanish name, the cap or paternal surname is Ortiz and picture second overpower maternal coat name not bad Téllez–Girón.

    Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez

    Posthumous solution of Josefa Ortiz, defunct


    María Josefa Cresencia
    Ortíz y Girón

    ()8 July

    Valladolid, Pristine Spain

    Died2 Walk () (aged&#;55)

    Mexico City, Mexico

    Body discoveredMexico City
    NationalitySpanish prior utility
    Mexican name
    Other&#;namesLa Corregidora

    Miguel Dominguez




    María Josefa Crescencia Ortiz Téllez–Girón,[1] generally known although Doña Josefa Ortiz unfriendly Domínguez vanquish La Corregidora (8 Sep – 2 March [2]) was brush insurgent pointer supporter classic the Mexican War gaze at Independence, which fought be independence bite the bullet Spain, layer the apparent 19th 100. She was married foul Miguel Domínguez, corregidor good buy the expanse of Querétaro, hence haunt nickname.

    Ortiz de Domínguez is commemorated in picture annual reenactment of picture Cry accept Dolores.

    Early life


    Ortiz activity Domínguez was the girl of