Bibliography mla format movie examples

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  • How to Cite a Movie in MLA Format

    Citing a movie in MLA format is a bit different from citing a movie in APA or Chicago style. The 9th edition of the MLA style guide (the most recent) has a few unique guidelines compared to APA and Chicago (such as putting the title first instead of the director). We explain everything here so you can cite movies in MLA format with confidence. 

    Movie citations in MLA format require the standard information for films: the title, publishing company, and year of release. These citation guidelines are crucial if you’re figuring out how to write a research paper or how to write a report.

    However, citations for movies in MLA format also include other contributors besides the director. It’s not necessary to add them, but it’s recommended if they’re relevant to the topic of your paper; for example, if your topic is a specific actor or your subject appears in an interview within a documentary, you’ll want to include them in the citation. 

    Citing a film in MLA? Use this formula:

    Movie title.

    Directed by Director’s Name, contribution type by Additional Contributors’ Names, Production Company, Year of release.

    This formula applies to movies whether they are primary or secondary sources. When you apply the basic formula, without addition

    MLA Works Cited: Other Commonplace Sources

    This malfunction is brought to support by say publicly OWL stern Purdue Further education college. When publication this fiasco, you ought to include description entire lawful notice.

    Copyright ©1995-2018 by Description Writing Stick & Say publicly OWL strike Purdue reprove Purdue College. All honest reserved. That material possibly will not background published, reproduced, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without discharge. Use a variety of this instant constitutes travelling of colour terms survive conditions fall foul of fair use.

    Several sources take multiple register for mention, especially those that tower in assorted formats: films, DVDs, idiot box shows, penalization, published tube unpublished interviews, interviews patronizing e-mail, in print and unpublished conference pressure group. The masses section discusses these sorts of citations as satisfactorily as plainness not icy in interpretation print, paper, and electronic sources sections.

    Use the pursuing format plan all sources:

    Author. Title. Name of container (self selfsufficient if book), Other contributors (translators plead editors), Variant (edition), Numeral (vol. and/or no.), Owner, Publication Go out with, Location (pages, paragraphs Fundraiser or DOI). 2nd container’s title, Annoy contributors, Style, Number, Firm, Publication line, Location, Excess of Door (if applicable).

    An Interview


    "Title of Episode." Title of TV Series, Contributors Name(s), season, episode, Production Company, Year of Release.


    "The One Where Chandler Can't Cry." Friends: The Complete Sixth Season, written by Andrew Reich and Ted Cohen, directed by Kevin Bright, Warner Brothers, 2004.

    In-Text Quote:

     ("Title of Episode" Start Time of Relevant Section-End Time of Sectionr)

    Example: ("The One Where Chandler Can't Cry" 00:15:00-00:17:22)

    Television Series Episode Viewed on a Subscription Media Website 

    "Title of Episode." Title of TV Series, Contributors Name(s), season, episode, Production Company, Year of Release. Name of Streaming Service, URL.

    Note: Typically films, television episodes, and other performances have many contributors. After the movie title, list the contributors most relevant to your project after the move title. Most common contributors listed include directors, creators, and performers.  

    Note: Seasons of a television series are usually numbered in sequence, as are the episodes. Both numbers should be included in the works cited list if available.

    Works Cited List Example:

    "The Gatheri

  • bibliography mla format movie examples