Ara abrahamian biography examples

  • Visit Ara ABRAHAMIAN profile and read the full biography, watch videos and read all the latest news.
  • 2) More background information, i.e.
  • Born 1975, elected in 2024 Ara Abrahamian has experience in the manufacturing and distribution of nicotine products as well as extensive knowledge of the.
  • Five years ago, while I was minoring in Armenian Studies at UCLA, one of my Armenian professors asked one of the simplest questions: “Where are you from?”

    Most everybody, as I initially did, would answer by saying they are either Hayastantsi, Beirutsi, Halebtsi, etc. My answer at the time was, “I am half Hayastantsi and half Baghdadtsi,” since I was born in the United States, my father was born in Armenia and my mother’s parents were born in Iraq. My professor, dissatisfied with everyone’s answers, pushed us further and posed the following scenario: if someone were to offer all the land back that your family lost during the Armenian Genocide, would you even know where you are from? I was compelled to learn more about my family’s history, and ever since then, I have been striving to learn more.

    I started asking my relatives, researching information online, found a family tree made by my late grandmother Seda Tapanian and hunted through old photo albums to learn more about my family’s history and begin to understand where I am from.

    I learned that prior to the Armenian Genocide, my family was from a whole host of villages and cities throughout historic Armenia, including Adana, Afyon, Amasya, Bergama, Constantinople, Dortyol, Marash, Shabin-Karahisar and Van, as well as P

    This article go over within interpretation scope corporeal WikiProject Sweden, a house effort finish improve depiction coverage be paid Sweden-related ezines on Wikipedia. If pointed would all but to enter, please on the delegation page, where you throng together join picture discussion weather see a list have a phobia about open tasks.SwedenWikipedia:WikiProject SwedenTemplate:WikiProject SwedenSweden
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    Humeynizm veya Humeynicilik, 1979 İran İslam Devrimi'nin lideri Ruhullah Humeyni'nin dini ve siyasi fikirlerini ifade eder. Ayrıca Humeynicilik, Humeyni'nin kurduğu İran İslam Cumhuriyeti'ni yöneten din adamı sınıfının ideolojisini de ifade ediyor olabilir. Bu aynı zamanda İran, Irak ve Lübnan'dakiOn İki İmamcı Şii nüfusun bazı kesimlerinin "radikalleşmesine" ve İran hükûmetinin Afganistan,[1]Pakistan,[2]Suudi Arabistan ve Afrika'daki[3] Şii azınlıkları "silah altına almasına" atıfta bulunmak için de kullanılabilir.[4] Humeynicilikten türetilen Humeynici ve Humeyniciler kelimeleri aynı zamanda İran'ın dini yöneticilerinin üyelerini tanımlamak ve onları "normal" (Velayet-i Fakih'i desteklemeyen) Şii Müslüman din adamlarından ayırmaya çalışmak için de kullanılabilir.

    Humeyni'nin liderliği altında İran, bin yıllık monarşisini teokratik bir cumhuriyetle değiştirdi. Humeyni Şii İslam'da büyük bir paradigma değişikliğine yol açtı. O, İslam hukukçularının dini ve siyasi otoritenin gerçek sahipleri olduğunu, onlara "Allah'a itaatin bir ifadesi" olarak itaat edilmesi gerektiğini ve kurallarının "İslam'daki namaz, oruç ve hac[5] ibadeti gibi tüm ikincil emirlerden üstün olduğunu" ilan etti.[6] Humeyni'nin ö

  • ara abrahamian biography examples