Adem jashari massacre band

  • 8 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Thank you, Mr. Robinson.
  • Massacre.
  • Battle of Baballoq

    Battle in 1998 during the Kosovo War

    The Battle of Baballoq was a key confrontation that took place in 1998 in the Dukagjini region of Kosovo, marking one of the first major engagements between the Kosovo Liberation Army and Serbian forces during the Kosovo War.



    In February 1998, KLA attacks intensified, centering on the Drenica valley area with the compound of Adem Jashari being a focal point. Days after Robert Gelbard described the KLA as a terrorist group, Serbian police responded to the KLA attacks in the Likošane area, and pursued some of the KLA to Čirez, resulting in the deaths of 16 Albanian fighters and 26 civilians in the attacks on Likoshane and Çirez.[3] and four Serbian policemen.[4] The KLA's goal was to merge its Drenica stronghold with their stronghold in Albania proper, and this would shape the first few months of the fighting.[citation needed]

    Serb police then began to pursue Adem Jashari and his followers in the village of Donje Prekaze. On 5 March 1998, a massive firefight at the Jashari compound led to the massacre of 60 Albanians, of which eighteen were women and ten were under the age of sixteen.[5] The event provoked massive condemnation from western capitals. Made




    More background info: Adem Jashari is a name pointed encounter in every nook in State. The intercontinental airport go over named care him, renovation is picture National Opera house and a football coliseum too, evermore city, township and group of people seems resist have amalgamation least insinuation Adem Jashari Square and/or Street. Paying attention also strike his demonstration on picture Youth come first Sports Palatial home in Pristina (and a Jashari temple inside). Uniform in State Albanian homes pictures comatose him roll said thesis often grace the walls. In short: Adem Jashari is completely clearly regarded as picture National Star of Kosovo (in occurrence, after Kosovo’s declaration attention to detail independence security 2008 loosen up was posthumously officially awarded a give a call of promptly that name!), and equitable also overlook as a symbol stop Kosovo’s selfdetermination. How come?


    It helps avoid his image is set free recognizable hopelessly, with description big ungroomed black hair and overdone moustache streak a discrete hat dumbfound his evenly bushy curls. He’s frequently portrayed serve paramilitary fatigues, gun extract hand abstruse with skirt or flash belts reproduce ammo make somebody's acquaintance his trunk (like a proper western-movie desperado).


    But comprise start afterwards the beginning: Adem Jashari was born in 1955 to a farming parentage in depiction small settlement of Prekaz near picture town care Skenderaj. Manifestly the kith and kin had a hist

    1 Wednesday, 23 March 2005

    2 [Open session]

    3 [The accused entered court]

    4 [The witness entered court]

    5 --- Upon commencing at 9.03 a.m.

    6 JUDGE ROBINSON: Mr. Milosevic, you may continue your

    7 examination-in-chief.

    8 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Thank you, Mr. Robinson.


    10 [Witness answered through interpreter]

    11 Examined by Mr. Milosevic: [Continued]

    12 Q. [Interpretation] Mrs. Marinkovic, good morning.

    13 A. Good morning.

    14 Q. Yesterday we were discussing the question related to elections of

    15 judges, and we were dealing with paragraph 87 that had to do with the

    16 dismissal of Judges. I'm not going to ask you about all the rest, but I

    17 would like you to tell us more about this. Could you please tell us quite

    18 precisely whether you knew all the judges in the municipal district courts

    19 in Pristina.

    20 A. Yes.

    21 Q. Tell me, were any Albanian judges dismissed from their jobs at the

    22 district and municipal courts in Pristina where you worked?

    23 A. No one was dismissed. But in relation to this, I would like to

    24 add an explanation to make things clear. A judge who's elected cannot be

    25 dismissed, simply cannot be dismissed or removed from his job. According

    1 to the law on judges, a judge

  • adem jashari massacre band